Energy Sprix 3.0, (+200) & Energy Sprix +2 - Contact US

Hi there! We are here to help!

For technical or general support issues and inquiries, you can reach out to our Energy Sprix 3.0 support team through email or phone.

If you have any inquiries related to trading operations, don't hesitate to contact one of our execution brokers. If you need an account with an execution broker, let us know, and we will connect you with one of our recommended brokers.

From 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, UTC+8, Monday to Friday, the support team is available.

Reach Out To Us: [email protected]

Address: WeWork 22 Cross Street: 22 Cross Street, Suite #02-01 China Square Central, 048421, Suite #02-01 China Square Central

We are eager to help you!

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